
About admin

This author admin has created 199 entries.

Arif’s Promising Future

Arif’s Promising Future May is one of the hottest months of the year but inside the ward, environment was calm and peaceful. Mohammad Arif was lying in the bed. He was looking pale but his face was relaxed. Behind the closed eyes Arif was wide awake, thinking of a promising future, when he could play with his daughters and will do all chores without any assistance. We all walk, run and jog without thinking that for some people it is an impossible

Shabeeran’s Road to Recovery

Shabeeran’s Road to Recovery Shabeeran can’t imagine that a small accident could make her literally disabled. In her surroundings, people have fallen from motor bikes but they never had such major injuries. She sometimes wonder why it happened! It was a bright sunny day of June. 24-year-old Shabeeran had an invitation for a function from her maternal side. Nasim Ali, her husband, was going to drop her at her relative’s place. He was riding the motor bike and Shabeeran was sitting behind

The Fight I Won

The Fight I Won It was a busy day at work. Natasha was dead-tired as she stood the whole day grooming her customers at the salon. Her fiancé came to pick her up. She was desperately looking forward to a good meal and peaceful sleep but life had a different plan for her. As Natasha and her fiancé were crossing a busy roundabout, a water tanker hit their bike, leaving her severely injured and her fiancé dead. She was immediately transported to

One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time “The two toughest times of my life were when she was diagnosed with cancer and when the doctor told me that they had to amputate her leg”, Abid Ahmed said. Abid was narrating the heart-wrenching story of Ayesha. “I live in Hyderabad and work as a rice distributor. I have six children, and Ayesha is the second last in her siblings. She was five when we noticed that she started limping. We took her to nearby doctors

Ahead of Time

Ahead of Time I was enjoying my stay in Ammi’s (mother) womb, floating in the amniotic fluid and off and on kicking to make my presence felt. I had started feeling my parents’ loving auras. I could hear my elder sibling’s giggles. The day I became 25 weeks old, I felt that my mom, Bushra is distressed. She was in pain. My father, Arif rushed her to a maternity home as something had gone wrong and she had started bleeding. Doctor

We Shall Lift Each Other Up

We Shall Lift Each Other Up 3-year-old Talal was trying to climb stairs. It was an ordeal for him, so his father, Wasim, picked him and started walking upstairs towards the Physical and Rehabilitation Center. Wasim lives in Lyari and works as a security guard in a private company. He has two children – a daughter and a son. His daughter was healthy but his son, Talal was born with a congenital deformity. Since Talal’s birth, Wasim took him to various hospitals

Safe Birth: Every Mother’s right

Safe Birth: Every Mother’s right Anand and Bhawna are residents of Mithi, Sindh. Soon after their marriage Bhawna found out that she was pregnant. However, she had some complications, her platelet count was very low due to which her nose was bleeding profusely. Her condition was posing a danger for her and her baby’s life. The couple visited all hospitals in Mithi and nearby towns but none of the hospitals were able to treat her. Hoping to find a hospital that would


Rida Can Hear

Rida Can Hear Rida was staring blankly at the laptop. Our chatter had no affect on her concentration. The audiologist, Dr Sajid Yaqub, was adjusting volume through his laptop. Suddenly her eyes started gleaming as if she was experiencing something unusual. I deliberately dropped my pen and to my amazement, she followed the sound. Her mother shouted in joy “Usayawaz aa rahi hai” Three-and-a-half year old Rida was sitting in her father’s lap and her mother was sitting next to them. They