According to an estimate childhood cancers account for only about 1% of all cases. However, absence of nation-wide cancer data makes it impossible to find the actual number of children suffering with cancer. Due to the lack of treatment facilities, half of the children are unable to receive medical care.
Joints wear and tear is a natural process which occurs in the aging population. Annually 4000 joints have been replaced in Pakistan. These facts were shared during a seminar conducted at The Indus Hospital (TIH) on May 1, 2017. The half day seminar was focused on “Total Hip Replacement Anterior Hip Approach”. Professor Amin Chinoy, Senior Orthopedic Consultant, TIH opened the session and invited Professor Muhammad Umer, founder and surgeon-in-chief
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) jointly organized an Emergency Room Trauma Course (ERTC) 3 day seminar from 31st May to the 2nd of June with The Indus Hospital (TIH). The seminar provided an intensive course on the various regions of the body that have under gone Trauma. Speaker Dr Bona Venture opened the program with a discussion on amputees, mentioning special care of amputees with regards to the remaining stumps on the legs.
The Commissioner of Karachi, Syed Asif Hyder Shah, visited The Indus Hospital on the 19th of May 2016 and was given a tour of the Hospital by Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, CEO of The Indus Hospital. The Commissioner was taken to the Children’s ward, Open-air Tuberculosis Clinic, Physical Rehabilitation Center and to the other facilities at the hospital where he interacted with the patients at the Hospital. He was moved by what he saw and commended the Indus Hospital’s effort.