
About bilal.saeed

This author bilal.saeed has created 170 entries.


KARACHI: Every year, the month of March is celebrated as the Nutrition Month all over the world. The purpose of this annual nutrition education and information campaign is to focus on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits in individuals. The theme for this year’s Nutrition Month was ‘Personalize your Plate’. The Clinical Nutrition Department of The Indus Hospital, Korangi Campus also celebrated this month by conducting several activities. The team collaborated with

Indus Hospital & Health Network Recruiting Participants for Potential COVID-19 Vaccine

KARACHI: The Indus Hospital, Korangi Campus has become a site for another potential COVID-19 vaccine by Chinese vaccine maker Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The company has developed a three-dose receptor-binding domain-based protein subunit COVID-19 vaccine. Pakistan – among Uzbekistan, Indonesia, and Ecuador – is selected as part of the vaccine trial. The trial aims at recruiting 10,000 participants. According to the details, the vaccine will be administered on the 1st, 30th, and 60th day of enrollment. The vaccine trial