
TIH Conducts Neonatal Resuscitation Workshop

TIH Conducts Neonatal Resuscitation Workshop

Perinatal asphyxia is one of the major causes of neonatal and early childhood mortality. Pakistan has no neonatal life support system at national level, so most of neonatal healthcare staff is unable to provide appropriate and timely resuscitation. While evaluating the necessity and shortage of trained staff, the Emergency Response Committee of the Indus Hospital conducted a three-day workshop on Neonatal Resuscitation.

Midwives: Changing Bhong One Baby at a Time

The Indus Health Network (IHN) is creating a lasting impact on the local communities where it is operating. IHN’s efforts are changing the health indicators of the society at large and one such example is utilization of midwives for safe birth and reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality rates in Bhong, District Rahim Yar Khan.