Our Stories

Healthcare Technology Innovations Can Drive Better Outcomes and Lower Costs; Shakeel Akhter

“When you go to a hospital for a treatment, on every visit either you present your previous test results and prescriptions to refresh your consultant’s memory or the hospital’s management presents your medical record file. These paper files can be destroyed by water, dust, fire or by paper worms. In general, patients or their attendants do not keep these in a safe-ways. A patient’s medical record is of vital importance, therefore, we needed a system that can save it forever.

Empowered Girls Causing Social Change in Communities

Aqsa is studying at the Government Girls High School in Badin. She became a part of the Interactive Research Development’s (IRD) Kiran Sitara Program in 2019. Aqsa is one of a thousand trained adolescent girls – Kiran Sitaras – in Badin who have continued to support their communities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Being Benevolent In an Unjust World

‘Firdous – the most selfless and caring person in my life, taught me the real meaning of being generous. Firdous Liver Center is a gift from her to the entire nation to treat the patients of HCV, free of cost,’ Ishrat Hussain, a thoughtful husband from USA.

Miracles Happen, When There Is Hope

Muhammad Hussain woke up in the middle of the night complaining of severe pain in his nose. The 6-year-old boy’s parents worriedly took him to a local clinic where they found that there was pus filled blister in his nose. The doctor gave him medicines but the blister continued to grow into a rare and complex tumor of the nose and para-nasal sinuses. Hussain’s parents urgently took him to a nearby hospital, where he was immediately operated for the nasal

Zainab: Battling Cancer With Her Artistic Ability

Zainab is a sweet, loving and generous girl, who is always ready to help the people around her. At the age of 12, she started getting frequent fevers and chills with chest pain. The young girl would be constantly tired and often experience shortness of breath. Her concerned parents took her to a nearby clinic and the doctor gave her medicine for fever. As her condition persisted, the doctor suggested them to take her to The Indus Hospital. After several tests,

This Too Shall Pass

I am not a faint-hearted person. My knees have never wobbled in any circumstances during my 14 years’ medical career. However, I can’t claim it anymore.


“Prayers Gave Me Strength And Kept My Spirits High To Fight COVID-19”, Unzala Erum

Unzala Erum, a nurse at The Indus Hospital has been working in the COVID-19 Emergency Room since day one, fighting this great battle against COVID-19 day and night.   Despite the strict precautions and protective gear, Unzala contracted COVID-19. She went into isolation for 14 days and self-administered her treatment. Following that, she was given three diagnostic tests 24 hours apart. When all 3 came back negative, she immediately returned to work. She relates

An Odyssey Of The Team In The COVID-19 Ward

She is going, blood pressures and oxygen are not responding on maximum drugs and ventilatory support, her peripheries are cold and blue. Her pulse is falling, the team working endlessly on the patient throughout the night  Doctor, “Let her go, we have tried everything. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation will not achieve anything and increase the risk of aerosolization and exposure to health care workers. Straight line……. P

When Other Hospitals Treated COVID Positive Mom as an Untouchable

“My wife, Uzma was pregnant with my second baby when she got COVID-19 from me. I am a cardiologist and am employed with a public hospital. Despite taking all the safety measures I caught Corona and transferred it to my wife.”  Dr. Akbar was telling his wife’s story who was denied of birthing from the hospital where she was registered. Dr. Akbar said, “I was deputed at the government hospital in Karachi. After COVID-19 outbreak I