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Indus Health Network, UAE

Indus Health Network Establishes its UAE Chapter Dubai chapter is the new addition to the IHN’s international chapters. The Chapter organized its first awareness & fundraising dinner in Dubai, UAE on May 2, 2019. Jeremy McLellan, South Carolina, USA based stand-up comedian and Adnan Siddiqui, renowned TV actor joined our team to support the cause The event was attended by notable locals and Pakistanis living in Dubai.

Friends of Indus Hospital

Friends of Indus Hospital, USA organized awareness & fundraising events in: Las Vegas; Los Angeles; Houston; San Antonio; Philadelphia; Washington; Frenso; and Memphis. Along with the senior leadership of IHN, Anwar Maqsood, renowned writer and actor and Adnan Siddiqui, renowned TV actor joined our team to support the cause participated in the events

Indus Health Network, UAE

Indus Health Network Establishes its UAE Chapter IHN Organises an Awareness Session and Dinner in Dubai The Indus Health Network (IHN) hosted its first event in Duabi on December 4, 2018 at the Metropolitan Hotel, Dubai to launch its UAE chapter. The event was the proclamation of IHN’s UAE Chapter. The event was also a part of IHN’s international awareness

Indus Health Network, Australia

Members of the senior leadership of the Indus Health Network which included Dr. Yahya Chawla, Member of the Board; Mr. Tariq Shafi, Member of the Board; and Dr. Zafar Zaidi, Founding Director of Indus Health Network and Dean Indus University of Health Sciences,  in November 2018 visited Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney to initiate the IHN Australia Chapter. Several awareness sessions were organized to introduce the Network, its mission, accomplishments and future plans to the Pakistanis living in Australia. The sessions were

Indus Hospital, UK Chapter

Recently the Indus Health Network organized fundraising and awareness sessions in Glasgow, Bradford, London and Slough. Dr. Abdul Bari Khan and other senior members of the IHN leadership spoke at the events to introduce IHN and its mission to provide free-of-cost quality healthcare to the underserved community through a network of 12 hospitals, primary care centers and a large number of disease-based public health outreach program in 41 districts of Pakistan. Renowned TV actor, Bushra Ansari attended the events as an ambassador

Friends of Indus Hospital

IHN’s USA chapter – Friends of Indus Hospital (FoIH) is a group of volunteer supporters who help in spreading IHN’s message and raising funds. During October to December 2018, FoIH supporters organised various fundraising dinners and activities in St. Louis; San Francisco; Plano, TX; and Detroit, MI.