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Case presenter
- Dr. Nazia Khursheed
FCPS, Consultant
Section Head Microbiology & TB
The Indus Hospital, Korangi Campus - Dr. Fareeha Adnan
FCPS, Consultant Microbiology
The Indus Hospital, Korangi Campus
- Dr. Adeel Zafar
Resident Microbiology
The Indus Hospital, Korangi Campus
Who should attend?
- Pathology Residents
- Clinical & Lab Pathologists
- Clinicians
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 820 1795 3344
Passcode: 529996
Department of Pathology Laboratory
For information, contact
Fariha Aziz
Assistant Supervisor CME Training
Event Details
October 18, 2021
09:00 -10:00 am
Seminar Room, Sheikh Saeed Memorial Campus, Korangi