The Cochlear Implant Program at Indus Hospital & Health Network (IHHN) heavily depends upon parents of the program’s patients working with their children at home so that their development is on-going. While working with patients from various socio-economic backgrounds, the program discovered a need for a Parental Training workshop Series. Newly revived, Ehsas ka Safar 2.0, is a series of parental training sessions meant to teach parents effective techniques to manage their children’s problematic behaviors.
Suported by Cochlear & Oriental Sales Co-operation, Ehsas Ka Safar 2.0 consists of a 5-day workshop series, conducted once a month. The pilot session, “Starting with the ABC of parenting” was conducted on September 23, 2022. During the session, Ms. Humaira Kaleem, Psychologist at IHHN, discussed the definition of parenting, different styles of parenting (authoritarian, permissive and authoritative), and broke down myths surrounding the correct way to parent a child.
Furthermore, along with practical examples, three principles of effective parenting were discussed: Child see Child do, Parenting is managing about self not a child, do not teach the child what not to do instead teach what to do.
Short engagement segments were also held to allow participants to reflect upon their parenting styles, ask for suggestions, and interact with other sets of parents.
The series is based upon a couple of sessions held in 2020 wherein mothers of cochlear implant patients were provided a support group to cater to their individuality as a person, and teach them effective stress management techniques.