Mr.Bashir Dawood, in continuation of his services towards setting up premium quality healthcare and education units in Pakistan, has now made a very significant contribution towards the expansion of The Indus Hospital in Korangi, Karachi.
The Mariyam Bashir Dawood Opthalmology facility in Indus Hospital will be located on two floors (Ground and Second floor) within the newly constructed block, it will be constructed on an area of approximately 15,528 sq ft. It will have 4 consulting rooms, 4 diagnostic rooms, 2 operating theaters and 5 day-care surgery recovery beds. Approximately 55,000 visitors can be examined each year and nearly 12,000 eye surgeries can be performed every year if the unit is manned by 4 Ophthalmologists. Some of the services that this Ophthalmology facility will be offering will be available in Pakistan for the first time The development of the new 1350 bed facility of the Indus Hospital will immensely benefit some of the most under-served patients of Karachi once the facility becomes operational by 2024.
To improve the overall environment within the Indus Hospital, the Mariyam Bashir Dawood Courtyard is being constructed so that all patients arriving at Indus Hospital can feel more comfortable and relaxed while waiting for their medical treatment. Construction of the Courtyard will be starting shortly and it will be completed by March 2020.