The Department of Nursing at The Indus Hospital bi-annually hosts a two-week course in Paediatric Oncology Nursing. Each year local and international participants attend the course to build their knowledge and capacity in managing children with cancer by improving their skills and learning new techniques and methodologies to administer medications and chemotherapy drugs, nutrition, nursing care and psychological support.
The students attend several interactive sessions conducted by nursing experts and are given an opportunity to have hands-on experience of observing best practices at the bedside and ward setting at The Indus Hospital’s Paediatric Oncology ward.
This year 34 nurses from Ethiopia, Kenya and Pakistan attended the 19th Course which was offered from July 22, 2019 to August 2, 2019 at The Indus Hospital, Korangi Campus in Karachi.
The course was sponsored by My Child Matters – a unique initiative developed by the Sanofi Espoir Foundation since 2006 to help children with cancer in low-income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to benefit from early diagnosis and better care.