Commissioner Karachi Visits The Indus Hospital

The Commissioner of Karachi, Syed Asif Hyder Shah, visited The Indus Hospital on the 19th of May 2016 and was given a tour of the Hospital by Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, CEO of The Indus Hospital. The Commissioner was taken to the Children’s ward, Open-air Tuberculosis Clinic, Physical Rehabilitation Center and to the other facilities at the hospital where he interacted with the patients at the Hospital. He was moved by what he saw and commended the Indus Hospital’s effort. The Commissioner was given a presentation about the Zero TB Cities initiative that the Hospital is undertaking in order to tackle the spread of TB.

Among the issues covered Dr. Naseem Salahuddin, Head of Infectious Diseases Department, The Indus Hospital, emphasized the growing incidence of Rabies in Pakistan, a 100% curable yet 100% fatal disease contracted from dog bites, resulting in approximately 2500 deaths in Pakistan annually. There was some discussion regarding the managing of stray dog population on the streets. Another issue raised was the heat wave that has gripped Karachi; the commissioner suggested the placement of water tanks at 500 meter intervals for public use. The Commissioner lauded the efforts of the initiatives taken by the Indus Hospital and promised his support.