Community Engagement Program with Cochlear Implant patients

The Indus Hospital has conducted a community engagement program on April 21, 2018, for its Cochlear Implant (CI) patients and their families. The patients remain in contact with the CI team for at least three years, therefore, it’s important to have cordial relationship with them. The purpose of the event was to introduce the team and program’s objectives to the audience. The session also provided an excellent platform to the parents for expressing their suggestions and questions directly to the team. The program resulted in formation of a strong community of CI patients and families that could rely on each other for support and guidance. 30 CI patients and their families attended the program.

Dr. Anjum Naveed, Head of ENT Department delivered the keynote message. Rabia Mansoor Khan, CI Program Manager introduced the speech and language, audiology, ENT clinical and surgical, psychology and Program teams. The team informed that an eight-hourly helpline is available for patients to directly convey their need for CI accessories repair or replacement. These accessories are given free-of-cost to those who attend speech therapy sessions regularly. Speech Therapist described various speech therapy exercises parents could practice at home with their children. The Audiologist urged the parents to ensure their children wear hearing aids on their non-implanted ear. The Psychologist briefed parents regarding the appropriate behavior with their children post-CI. The parents were advised to refrain from punishing or forcing their children to progress faster. Parents were also advised to attend counseling sessions to cope with the difficulties and challenges they face regarding care of their children.