DHACSS Tooba Campus Raises Funds for Indus Hospital & Health Network

Indus Hospital and Health Network (IHHN) is proud to count the students and staff of DHACSS Tooba Campus among its generous supporters. Together they are helping IHHN to better the health of countless underserved communities across Pakistan.

Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, President of IHHN, visited the school on March 30, 2023, and gave an inspiring speech to the young students, and – citing IHHN as a unique example – encouraged the children to dream big and work for the betterment of less privileged communities surrounding them.

The students of DHACSS Tooba Campus shared heartwarming stories of collecting funds for IHHN in their Indus Tarbiyat Money Boxes. During Dr. Bari’s visit, they proudly handed over the collected funds to be used to provide free-of-cost quality care to the patients treated at IHHN’s nationwide network of healthcare facilities.

Indus Hospital and Health Network is grateful to the students of DHACSS Tooba Campus for their contribution towards IHHN’s noble cause. As part of the youth of Pakistan, IHHN is committed to empowering these students to become ambassadors of change who will lead Pakistan into a brighter and healthier future.