Dr Abdul Bari Khan, Chief Executive Officer, Indus Health Network represented Pakistan at the 20th Triennial Conference of the Asian Association of Management Organizations (AAMO). In association with the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM), AAMO organised the conference on April 29, 2019 at the Inter-Continental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad was the Chief Guest.
AAMO is an 11-member organisation which promotes and supports the development of professional management and leadership in Asia Pacific region. The purpose of this award ceremony was to acknowledge the efforts and leaders from member countries. Dr Bari along with three other inspiring leaders from Malaysia, Nepal, and India were honoured for their outstanding leadership.
Datuk Ng Tieh Chua, Chairman, MIM appreciated the award-winners, “We wish to acknowledge high impact leaders who have achieved significant transformation in the way organisations and people think and operate. The award winners have demonstrated a high level of passion, dedication, and excellence, and instilled these qualities in their team,”