Keeping in line with its long tradition of paying homage to nurses and midwives, The Indus Hospital (TIH), Korangi Campus on Wednesday,
May 26, 2021, hosted a joint event to mark International Nurses Day and International Day of the Midwife.
The event which included members of the faculty, nurses, and midwives, and other staff focused on this year’s themes which were “Nurses: A Voice to Lead-A Vision for Future Healthcare” and “Follow the Data: Invest in Midwives” through a Zoom and in-person event.
Opening remarks for the event were conveyed by Rashida Merchant, Director Nursing Division, Indus Hospital & Health Network (IHHN) followed by a discussion and presentation on this year’s theme by Hakim Shah, Principle, Indus College of Nursing & Midwifery. Dr. Zafar Zaidi, Senior Executive Director, IHHN and Dean Indus University of Health Sciences delivered the keynote speed.
Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, CEO, IHHN via a video message spoke about the importance of nursing and midwifery and appreciated the efforts by them, especially during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Ashar Alam, Medical Director, TIH also appreciated the work of the nurses and midwives and emphasized that nurses could take up advanced and specialized roles to further contribute to future healthcare at IHHN.
At the end of the event, certificates were awarded to more than 30 nurses from across the Network to celebrate and praise their exceptional performance throughout the year 2020-2021.