August 22, 2020: Green Crescent Trust (GCT) – An auxiliary non-governmental organization of the Indus Pharma has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Indus Hospital’s Blood Center to run the blood donation drive in all its centers.
The memorandum was signed on August 22, 2020 between both organizations at the head office of the Green Crescent Trust. The MoU was signed by Mr. Zahid Saeed, Chief Executive Officer of the Green Crescent Trust/ Indus Pharma and Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, Chief Executive Officer, the Indus Hospital. The trustees and management of the GCT and Kazi Munir Uddin, Team lead, Blood Donor Mobilization, the Indus Hospital was also present at the event.
The event was followed by a blood donation drive where employees of GCT donated blood.
GCT was created 25 years ago with the mandate of providing healthcare and education to the community in various cities of the province. The Trust is running 150 schools in Sindh. Under the agreement, GCT would run the voluntary blood donation drives and help TIH in forwarding its message of humanity.