Indus Hospital and Health Network’s (IHHN) Department of Emergency Medicine held a WHO-ICRC Basic Emergency Care (BEC) course for the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCCA) at Jinnah International Airport, Karachi from March 6-10, 2023. The course is an example of IHHN’s commitment to improving the overall health of the nation by partnering with local and international supporters.
This course was aimed at capacity building of the Civil Aviation healthcare providers who deal with life-threatening emergencies on a regular basis. The 5-day course taught the providers a systematic approach towards managing an acutely ill patient and safe referrals following their management.
The WHO-ICRC Basic Emergency Care (BEC) course was followed by a one-day training of the trainers and was very well received by the PCCA personnel, who stated that they now felt more confident and methodical in their clinical approach while managing their patients. The course ended with certificate distribution amongst the participants by senior PCCA officials.
This course was conducted by Dr. Saima Ali, Head of Department, Emergency Medicine, IHHN, Korangi campus, and included Dr. Jonathan Strong, an Emergency Medicine faculty from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA. Dr. Sabahat Fatima and Dr. Sarfaraz Ahmed, both senior Emergency Medicine residents at IHHN, served as co-facilitators.
Several distinguished PCCA officials were also present for the course, including Mr. Tahir Sikandar, Airport Manager, JIAP; Mr. Hassan Mansur, Additional Director, HR; Ms. Farah Saleem, Sr. HR Officer, JIAP; Dr. Surraya, Sr. Dy. Director Medical, JIAP; and Dr. Muhammad Khurram, Officer in Charge, Medical Services, CAA.
Indus Hospital and Health Network is grateful to the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCCA), Dr. Jonathan Strong, and the remarkable team from Indus whose hard work and dedication made the WHO-ICRC Basic Emergency Care (BEC) course a great success.