IHHN Starts its Foundation Program in Pediatric Emergency Medicine


The Foundation Program in Pediatric Emergency Medicine (F-PEM) at Indus Hospital & Health Network (IHHN), held its inauguration on August 3, 2022. The program inducted 35 candidates in its batch of 2022-2023. The course directors of the program were Dr. Syed Ghazanfar Saleem from Indus Hospital & Health Network and Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz from Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. The program is being run in collaboration with SickKids Canada.

The program has level 3 CME accreditation for all simulation activities and level 1 CME accreditation for journal club by the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons Canada.

F-PEM is a 1-year simulation-based, modular training program in Pediatric Emergency care. The program aims to equip physicians working in the emergency departments with the fundamental knowledge and clinical expertise in the practice of pediatric emergency care. In addition, the physicians will learn pediatric resuscitation, history taking, and application of the conceptual framework of simulation-based modular education in a clinical setting. The program will consist of weekly sessions which will be facilitated by national and international leading experts in pediatric emergency medicine.