From September 9 – 10, 2022, two emergency flood relief medical camps were jointly set up by WHO and Indus Hospital & Health Network (IHHN), in Larkana and Sukkur, Sindh. The camps treated a total of 2,761 vulnerable men, women, and children.
The medical camp, comprising of a primary health care clinic, antenatal clinic, pediatric clinic, vaccination station, and nutritional assessment & counselling station, distributed essential medicines and medical care to more than 500 flood-affected victims per day, who are severely exposed to waterborne diseases and countless other risks to their health and safety.
In addition to medical services, IHHN paramedical staff also provided ORS, hygiene kits, and over a hundred Community Engagement Counseling (CEC) sessions for hepatitis B, polio vaccination, rational drug use, and protection against prevalent illnesses.
Dr. Mah Talat, Executive Director of Community Health Directorate, IHHN; was present at the Larkana camp to oversee the services provided to the affectees.
Being the largest charity healthcare network in Pakistan, Indus Hospital & Health Network is committed to serving victims of this catastrophic flooding in every nook and corner of the country. Moving forward, IHHN plans to set up additional disease-specific camps in other affected regions in all four provinces.
For more information about IHHN’s flood relief efforts click here.