Abdul Ahad, aged two, and Muhammad Abdullah, aged three are the first two patients whose Cochlear Implant surgery was conducted at The Indus Hospital in collaboration with Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal.
On November 27, 2020, Ahad and Abdullah’s switch-on was conducted and they received their first stimulation through a cochlear implant. Parents of both the children expressed mixed sentiments of nervousness, excitement, and joy at seeing the first reactions of their children to sound.
The switching-on event was attended by Shah Muhammad Buriro, Assistant Director and Amjad Hussain, Office Coordinator as representatives from Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal. The team present from The Indus Hospital included Dr. Asif Ali Arain, surgeon and head of Cochlear Implant Program, Haya Yawar Awan, audiologist, speech therapists Rabika Amanullah and Khadija Fatima.
Earlier this year in March, Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Indus Hospital for carrying out cochlear implant surgeries of deserving candidates in the Sindh region. As per the agreement, The Indus Hospital would be responsible for selecting potential candidates from a list of patients nominated by Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal and provide them with Cochlear Implant surgery and post-operative rehabilitation.
Ahad and Abdullah’s surgery was the first in the series in a long list of patients who are unable to afford this expensive treatment.
As part of the hospital’s protocol, patients undergo a comprehensive assessment by the Cochlear Implant team comprising ENT surgeon, audiologist, speech-language therapist, and psychologist. Keeping international guidelines and prognostic factors in consideration, the team is responsible for selecting the most suitable candidates.