Indus Hospital & Health Network Partners with The Indus Academy


Indus Hospital and health Network is pleased to announce its newest partnership with The Indus Academy (TIA) – a Cambridge Associate School which has been inspiring young leaders since 1998. The two parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on March 27, 2023.

Under the new partnership, IHHN will engage the students in TIA Grades 1-7 in activities related to the Indus Tarbiyat Program – one of IHHN’s youth engagement programs. Health education sessions will also be conducted by IHHN experts for parents, teachers, and staff of TIA on Healthy Diet, Hand-hygiene, Basic First Aid Training, and other such important topics. TIA has committed to help support IHHN and champion its message to the wider community through fundraisers, blood drives, and awareness sessions.

The MoU was signed by Mariyah Mazari, Principal, TIA Junior Section, and Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, President of IHHN, during his visit to TIA. There he gave an inspiring speech to the young students, and – citing IHHN as a unique example – encouraged the children to dream big and work for the betterment of less privileged communities surrounding them.

The students also handed over the donations collected in their Indus Tarbiyat boxes and shared inspiring stories of collecting money for Indus Hospital. All proceeds will be used to provide free-of-cost, quality care for patients in need at IHHN’s nationwide healthcare facilities.

Indus Hospital and Health Network would like to thank the entire team at The Indus Academy for graciously collaborating with IHHN to improve the health of countless underserved communities throughout Pakistan.