The Central Sterile Services Department of the Indus Hospital, Korangi Campus has recently installed two Automated Washer Disinfectors along with a drying cabinet. Dr Shamvil Ashraf, Executive Director Medical Services; Dr Akhtar Aziz, Special Advisor to CEO; Dr Ashar Alam, Acting Head Quality and Monitoring; Dr Wasif Shahzad, Chief Operating Officer; Dr Mansoor Ali Khan, Chair of Surgery; and Dr Adeel Ur Rehman, Chair of OR committee attended the inauguration.
Pursuance of excellence has always been TIH’s objective. These new equipment will help it to comply with the international standards of: American National Standards Institute (ANSI); Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI); International Organization for Standardization (ISO); and Joint Commission International (JCI). The new Auto washer Disinfector units will help TIH to reach to the new level of reduction in surgical site infection control. The equipment will help reduce the probability of infections in surgical patients and healthcare workers.
Surgical instruments are contaminated with blood and other bodily fluids and cause spread of infection to other patients due to improper manual cleaning and also it can infect hospital staff during the process of manual cleaning. The new units decontaminate surgical instruments through a process which involves a number of steps. These units don’t require any manual input which will not only reduce the rate of infection but it will also reduce the time and human effort. One unit can run about 20 cycles a day and it can take 15 surgical trays at a time and as a result it can sterilize about 750 instruments in cycle.