The COVID-19 Pandemic is the biggest global health challenge of our lifetime and which has underscored the need for working together as a global community to battle this crisis. The Indus Hospital has been working tirelessly from the onset of this pandemic in efforts to reduce the number of cases and save precious lives. Though battling this crisis is too challenging a task for any one institution; therefore, in these critical times, collaboration is the key to success.
Karachi Relief Trust (KRT) in collaboration with The Indus Hospital (TIH), developed a purpose built modular COVID-19 High Dependency Unit (HDU), which is nearing completion at TIH main campus in Korangi. The purpose of this unit is to provide access to free and safe care to the people seeking in-patient services for COVID-19. This state-of-the art unit comprises of 46 High Dependency Beds. Beside quality and safety, “empathetic approach” is followed in its design enabling family to have a visual access to see their loved ones on periodic schedules.
Negative pressure rooms with world class safety measures and access to advanced laboratory and diagnostic facilities as well as delivery of patient care in a multidisciplinary environment and supervised by well qualified and trained clinicians and support staff are some of the key features of this unit.