January 22, 2020
The Indus Hospital’s Quality & Monitoring Directorate in collaboration with Pharmacy Department has recently designed and launched a Medication Safety Program as a major quality and patient safety initiative under the patronage of the Chief Executive Officer, Indus Health Network, Dr Abdul Bari Khan. The program started its first two-year Basic Medication Safety (BMS) course on January 22, 2020 for nurses, physicians, pharmacists to enhance the spread of medication safety culture.
The objective of the BMS certificate course is to protect patients from medication errors and to provide healthcare providers with information to enhance their knowledge in medication safety. The course will enable the healthcare providers to follow safe practices related to pharmaceutical therapies, and promoting a just culture for reporting and managing medication errors.
By taking this initiative, the Indus hospital in line with the International Network of Safe Medication Practices will formulate a Medication Safety Plan to ensure safer care for the patients.