Meet Dr. Megan Rybarczyk

Dr. Megan Rybarczyk, MD, is an Emergency Medicine specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), Boston, USA. She is the Academic Faculty Lead for TIH’s year-long educational program ‘Certificate in Emergency Medicine Program (CPEM)’. The course has been conducted in collaboration with BWH.

“My experience of working at The Indus Hospital (TIH) has been exceptional. I am impressed with the number of patients it serves, the comprehensive services it provides and its mission to provide free-of-cost quality healthcare to all”, said Dr. Megan Rybarczyk.

In addition to serving in a leadership role with the program, Dr. Rybarczyk has been traveling to and from Karachi to assist with administration of the program and training Emergency Medicine doctors. She briefed, “A year ago, Dr. Zayed Yasin, a colleague at BWH, Dr. Ghazanfar Saleem, and I began to work together on CPEM in order to improve the delivery of emergency care and to build the capacity of the Emergency Department at TIH. The program launched in July 2018 and is comprised of daily bedside clinical mentorship, including instruction in Emergency Medicine skills, clinical reasoning and management, procedures, and disposition of patients as well as weekly conference session, including didactics, small group discussions, simulation, review sessions, workshops, and journal clubs. The program participants include Emergency Medicine doctors from TIH as well as – for the didactic sessions – physicians from other Emergency Departments in Karachi. We hope the program will increase the interest in Emergency Medicine and will help in building the capacity of the Emergency Departments of all participating hospitals. It is an honor and privilege to be working with TIH in the cause and I hope to continue to be involved for many years to come.”