The Indus Hospital’s Blood Center Launches its first Mobile Blood Donation Unit

The Indus Hospital’s (TIH) Blood Center launched its first Mobile Blood Donation Unit on June 14, 2017 in order to celebrate World Blood Donor Day. This year, the campaign runs under the theme “Give Blood, Give Now, Give Often.”

According to the World Health Organization, Pakistan’s annual blood requirement is approximately 1.5 million bags, with 40% of the demand being met by the public sector. About 80% of private sector blood transfusion takes place in the major cities, including Karachi and Lahore. Blood transfusion services in Pakistan are mostly hospital-based. There are nearly 170 public and about 450 private blood banks in the country.

The Indus Hospital started its Blood Center in 2013. The center collects and provides free of cost, safe blood to patients in nine hospitals. Blood Center’s objective is to provide the safest possible blood, meeting all international standards, to all segments of society without any discrimination. Indus Hospital promotes voluntary blood donation as this is the only way to collect safe blood. In order to reach out to the donors from different corners of the city, TIH has launched its first air-conditioned mobile blood donation unit. The unit has two interview rooms; four beds; and a waiting area to accommodate 10 donors. The unit has all facilities to save blood donations.