The Quality and Monitoring Directorate of the Indus Hospital & Health Network held a symposium titled “Safe Maternal & Newborn Care” in line with this year’s theme to mark Patient Safety Day on September 17, 2021, at The Indus Hospital (TIH), Korangi Campus.
The event was attended by the senior management of TIH, including Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, CEO, IHHN; Dr. Ashar Alam, Medical Director; Rashida Merchant Director, Nursing.
Dr. Lubna Mushtaque, Head of Quality and Monitoring Directorate, gave the opening speech while Riffat Shaheen, Deputy Manager, QIPS, gave the ending remarks.
Dr. Sara Salman, Provincial Head of Office (Sindh) at World Health Organization (WHO) was the keynote speaker. She shared WHO’s initiatives across Pakistan in context with patient safety about respectable delivery of mothers. Dr. Farah Bari, Head of Sheikh Saeed Memorial Campus (SSMC), Dr. Samia Shuja Senior, Consultant and Head of Department OB/GYN and Dr. Rehan Ali Senior Consultant and Head of Department, Neonatology talked about the Journey of SSMC towards excellence, COVID-19 and Safe Maternal Health and Neonatal Mortality: causes and recommendation respectively.
Every year, the Quality and Monitoring Directorate celebrates the day to create awareness regarding patient safety regarding healthcare workers’ safety.
In the afternoon, the Directorate held a live discussion on “Safe Maternal & Newborn Care”. Dr. Aisha Syed Wali, Senior Consultant and OB/GYN Residency Program Director; Dr. Sana Niaz, Junior Consultant, Neonatology; and Rehana Ladhani, Deputy Manager, Nursing were the speakers for the session.
Simultaneously International Patient Safety Goals awareness session was also conducted at Sheikh Saeed Memorial Campus for doctors and nurses to highlight the importance of patient safety and safe care.