Pediatric Nurses Week: Celebrating Our Unsung Heroes

Gulraiz Rafiq is a Pediatric Oncology nurse who has been nursing children battling cancer for the past 10 years. He was previously with at Children Cancer Hospital (CCH), after CCH moved into Indus Hospital as a Pediatric Cancer Unit in the hospital he joined the Indus Hospital and has been serving as a dedicated nurse in the Pediatric Oncology Department here at Indus Hospital, Korangi, Karachi.

Why did you choose nursing as a profession?

I was initially a porter at Children Cancer Hospital, then I became a technician when I became a technician I gained some technical knowledge and acquired a skill but there was no empathy involved in my role and being in an institution like the Children Cancer Hospital I felt that I should not just be doing a job to earn money but I should do something to ease the pain of the suffering I saw all around me. With that thought I got formal education to be a nurse and did some diploma courses to specialize in Pediatric Oncology nursing.

What is the importance of nursing in Pediatric Care?

A nurse and pediatric patient’s relationship is greater than many relationships. Apart from administering medicines etc. to patients it is very important for pediatric nurses to provide holistic care. It is so important for a pediatric nurse to develop a strong relationship with patient and the parents. A nurse should be a very good listener, so they can listen to what the other patient is saying especially in the case of Pediatric Oncology patients since they want to ease their pain and suffering by talking to someone who listens empathetically. Also, when children are in the hospital they are often separated from their parents which is why it is of utmost importance to develop a strong relationship with the children so that they adhere to us and let us take care of them and take their meals and medicines on time.

Your message to people:

It is so important to be empathetic as pediatric nurse, always show empathy and care and do your job with utmost sincerity and also please keep formally educating yourself in the field of pediatric nursing and always remember to implement what you are learning.


About The Indus Health Network (IHN)

In the year 2007, The Indus Hospital (TIH) started as a 150 bed, state-of-the-art, tertiary healthcare facility providing quality treatment free of cost to every patient. After widening the scope of work, the hospital has turned into the Indus Health Network (IHN). The network is focusing on the development and management of various public and private hospitals throughout Pakistan. The network is also carrying out Malaria, AIDS and TB outreach programs in the country.