April 7, 2020
Karachi, Pakistan
The COVID-19 is the most destructive pandemic of the century which is not respecting any border, any religion, and any ethnicity. It is killing anyone and everyone who is weak and is in the virus’ reach. It reached to Pakistan in February and since then the doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, supportive staff are in the battle field. They are risking their lives, sacrificing their relationships, and just taking care of their patients. They have forgotten when the day ends and night starts. They are always available to serve the humanity. They are putting their lives on the line to keep this country moving during this crisis.
Dr. Saima Salman, Consultant Emergency Medicine, the Indus Hospital beautifully portrays her resolve, fear, and stress. She says, “We deal with suspected and confirmed cases all day long, donning and doffing our personal protective equipment (PPE), going through the laborious routine of breathing through an N95 mask, which we are fortunate enough to have, while some of colleagues across Pakistan aren’t. Yet we are fearful. Our worst fear is taking it back home to our families, our loved ones. We are isolating ourselves because as doctors and healthcare providers, we should know better. However, we are aware of our responsibility as healthcare providers and the oath we have taken. We are there for you whenever you need us, no matter what the time or the circumstances are.”
While acknowledging the effort of every single healthcare provider, Dr. Mohammad Shamvil Ashraf, Executive Director, Medical Services, Indus Health Network used Patch Adams’ words to acknowledge the medical fraternity, “You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you will win, no matter what the outcome.” He further said, “Don’t take these obstacles to slow you down because tough times don’t last but tough people do. In the end, we will be victorious.”