The Indus Health Network (IHN) strives to make patient safety, its top priority and is taking concrete steps toward the advancement of patient safety and reduction of adverse events. A number of initiatives are being made in line with the fulfillment of the mission and vision of safer care to patients. In our journey towards quality and patient safety, we are striving to embrace international standards in healthcare delivery which will depict our commitment to maintain reliability in healthcare.
In line with the International Patient Safety Day, Quality and Monitoring Directorate organized the Patient safety Day on September 17, 2019 at Indus Hospital, Korangi Campus. The event was attended by the senior management of IHN including Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, CEO IHN; Dr. Muhammad Shamvil Ashraf, Executive Director Medical Services; Dr. Ashar Alam, Medical Director; and Dr. Mirza Abdul Basit Baig, Executive Director, Quality and Monitoring Directorate.
The day was marked with the launch of three innovative programs to enhance patient safety: Medication Safety Program; Falls Prevention Program; Pressure Ulcer Prevention Program
A poster competition was also arranged in which different clinical and non-clinical departments participated. The posters were based on the theme of ‘patient safety’ and best posters were awarded cash prizes. The program was followed by patient awareness sessions in the patient waiting areas to educate patients on steps to take care of their conditions while staying in the hospital.
Quality and Monitoring directorate recommended that a Medication Safety Program be designed and implemented as a major quality and patient safety initiative under the patronage of the CEO. The objectives of the proposed program would be to protect patients from medication errors and to achieve the five rights toward the prevention of adverse drug events (ADEs) which include: Right patient, Right drug, Right dose, Right time, and Right route of administration.
By taking this initiative, the Indus Hospital can formulate a Medication safety plan in line with the International Network of Safe Medication Practices and can show its commitment to promote the objectives of preventing medication errors and to contribute to safer care.
The celebration of the day is an avenue that more and more healthcare providers will engage in active discourse in future to promote the culture of team-based collaboration in order to provide our patients with the optimum care that they rightfully deserve.