October 11, 2019
Karachi, Pakistan
Hospitalization could be a strenuous and distressful event for any patient especially for children. Healthcare professionals especially nurses make sure to help them overcome their fear and diseases.
Every year, one week of the months October is observed to celebrate as Pediatric Nurses Week, Internationally. This year October 7 – 11 is dedicated to recognize the commitment, efforts, and achievements of nurses who provide care for pediatric patients. During the week, the Indus Hospital’s Nursing Management organized several activities to highlight their efforts and dedication.
A blood donation drive was organized on October, 7-8 2019, at the Blood Center; a fun activity was arranged called the Splash of Color on October 9, 2019, at the Pediatric Complex; the Pediatric Nourishment Room was inaugurated on October 10th, 2019 near Pediatric general ward; on October 11, 2019, the Pediatric Nurses Recognition Ceremony was held at Pediatric Seminar Room.
The pediatric nurses have also participated in an international social media contest. The winner will receive a 2020 Pediatric Nurses Week package for their institution to celebrate next year!
The week is an effort to appreciate the hard work and dedication of pediatric nurses. It also reflects on the contributions of pediatric nurses for patients, their families, and in general for the society.