Karachi, Pakistan
November 29, 2019
The Indus Hospital (TIH)’s Physical Rehabilitation Center (PRC) organized a walk to celebrate the International Day of Person with Disabilities (IDPD). The walk was organized at the Indus Hospital, Korangi Campus on November 29, 2019. The day was also celebrated at other PRCs at Badin, Lahore, and Muzaffargarh.
Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, Chief Executive Officer, Indus Health Network; Dr. Amin Chinoy, Executive Director, Physical and Rehabilitation Directorate; IHN; Members of the Board of Directors; and 60 patients participated in the walk at the Korangi Campus. During the event, Dr. Chinoy and other participant talked to the audience while some patients narrated their stories. Renowned actor and Goodwill Ambassador for Special Olympics, Ms. Sarwat Gilani also attended the event as celebrity guest.
While addressing the audience, Dr. Bari highlighted the vision and mission of the Indus Hospital. He thanked Allah SWT for the help and guidance in taking the mission forward and informed the audience about the expansion of the Korangi Campus and future plans.
In his address, Dr. Amin Chinoy briefed about the services provided by the directorate which include physiotherapy and physical rehabilitation. He also told about the establishment of the fourth Physical Rehabilitation Center at Badin. The purpose to establish this PRC is to serve the underprivileged areas of Sindh.
At the event Sarwat Gilani pledged her unflinching support towards fundraising and advocating for the treatment and awareness about physical disabilities in children. Sarwat stated that she has just gotten into a partnership with Indus Hospital to support this cause and she hopes that this will be a very long and fruitful relationship with the Indus Hospital that will serve to benefit the institution and the patients.
Renowned actor Behroze Sabzwari, who has been an important part of TIH and also attended multiple international fundraisers, was also present at the event. Mr Sabzwari committed to support the cause of Indus Hospital in future and hailed the quality treatment that is provided to the underprivileged majority, without any charge.
In 2015, the Indus Hospital established the Physical Rehabilitation Center with the support of International Committee of the Red Cross and Chal Foundation. The Center provides orthotic and prosthetic limbs to patients with disability. The facility has also been extended to the Bedian Road General Hospital, Lahore and Recep Tayyip Erdogan Hospital, Muzaffargarh and District Headquarter Hospital, Badin. All Physical and Rehabilitation Centers provide modern rehabilitation services to people with disabilities. These include prosthetics, orthotics, physiotherapy, and mobility devices like wheelchairs and crutches. Since March 2015, PRC Karachi has registered 1354 patients for prosthetic devices; 2056 patients for orthotic devices; 922 prosthetic devices and 3110 orthotic devices were provided.