In June 2017, Khalid Ali, a resident of Karachi’s Korangi area had a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) commonly known as a stroke.
A hand embroider by profession, Khalid was at home when he had the stroke and was immediately taken to the Emergency Department of a private hospital where he was given initial treatment and shifted to a neuro-medicine ICU for a few days before being shifted to a ward.
After being released, Khalid returned home and continued with home-based physiotherapy for a year. After no marked improvement in his condition with his arm still not working, his gait pattern disturbed making even menial tasks such as getting dressed difficult.
Then some people suggested that Khalid visit The Indus Hospital where they provided all their services, absolutely free.
On September 18, 2020, Khalid was brought to the Indus Hospital’s Physical Therapy Department. After the assessment, doctors told him that his left arm and leg muscles are stiff and swollen which is making him unable to walk.
Since then Khalid underwent multiple physiotherapy sessions along with regular gym exercises and showed improved signs of recovery.
Today, 39-years-old Khalid, walks with a slight limp. He cannot use his arms fully but is determined to regain its strength. His cognitive skills continue to improve. With every success, Khalid’s trust in the physiotherapy treatment is increasing.
With continued physical therapy and support, Khalid is now able to walk without support, with barely any stiffness or swelling in his leg or arm. There is an increase in muscle power and now he can do his daily activities without anyone’s support.