The Gift of Hearing: How Indus Hospital Changed Fabiha’s Life.

Fabiha was a lively 5-year-old girl who loved to spend time with her family. However, her world was a silent one. She had hearing loss in both her ears due to Warrensburg’s Syndrome. Her parents, who had other family members with the same disorder, recognized the signs early on and took her for therapy at various private hospitals. Despite two years of therapy, there was no change in Fabiha’s hearing, and her parents were told she needed cochlear implant surgery. 

But as much as they wanted to give their daughter the gift of hearing, they could not afford the costly surgery. That was when they heard about Indus Hospital’s free cochlear implant program. They wasted no time in approaching Indus, and soon Fabiha was admitted as a patient and underwent cochlear implant surgery.  

Her life changed overnight. She could hear every little thing, and her parents were overjoyed to see the difference it made in her life. However, she still needed therapy to adapt to her new hearing abilities. The post-operative therapy continued for a year at Indus until Fabiha’s hearing matched that of any child with normal hearing. 

Fabiha’s parents were grateful to the Indus Hospital and Dr. Anum, who took charge of Fabiha’s case, for changing their daughter’s life and gifting her a bright future ahead. Moved by the care provided at Indus, Fabiha’s family has promised to support Indus Hospital’s cause and spread the word about the organization’s excellent work.