We are living a thousand lives each day!
“We deal with suspected and confirmed COVID cases all day long, donning and doffing our personal protective equipment (PPE), going through the laborious routine of breathing through an N95 mask, which we are fortunate enough to have, while some of colleagues across Pakistan aren’t. Yet we are fearful. Our worst fear is taking it back home to our families, our loved ones. We are isolating ourselves because as doctors and healthcare providers, we should know better.”
This is how Dr. Saima Salman, Consultant Emergency Medicine, the Indus Hospital, Korangi feels about the current situation. She describes how she is relentlessly working to help COVID patients and how she is facing her internal fears. However, none of these fears made her sit in the safety of her home and be a spectator.
“As the front line healthcare providers, perhaps no one is more cognizant of the situation than us. From the mass hysteria to the really sick patients, we are living a thousand lives each day. We are being praised across the world and believe me, the feeling is exhilarating. People are clapping for us, songs are being sung and we are receiving salutes. All of this works as a great morale booster, for which we are thankful.”
The actual ER life is pretty different than what we watch in TV serials. They scrub and clean themselves and sanitize till their skin is raw and bleeding. They are the only anchors in these turbulent waters. It is not wrong if they are called the Messiah. They feel scared but they never give up.
The Indus Hospital is at the forefront of the COVID-19 battle. Our doctors, nurses, technologists, and other paramedical and support staff is doing an exemplary job. We are proud of them and we are trying to protect every single healthcare worker and it is only possible through our donors’ support.
The greatest service you can do to us is be safe, be home and support the Indus Hospital.