The Indus Health Network Organized Multiple Fundraising Events in the UK

In September 2019, the Indus Health Network organized nine events in various cities of the UK.

The Indus Health Network is passionate about creating an initiative to better serve the people of Pakistan with a healthcare system that is available and accessible to all. Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, graced these occasions with his presence along with the likes of Indus’ long-term patron, renowned actor Mr. Adnan Siddiqui. A poetry recital was also arranged for fundraising where Mr. Suleman Gilani shared his poetry with the audience.

During the events, Executive Director, CRD, International, Pervaiz Ahmed showcased IHN’s success and challenges of various programs to help local communities. A case study was shared about the Indus Hospital’s Rabies Free Karachi Program. The story narrated the tireless efforts of doctors and nurses who put their heart and souls in saving precious lives and some heart-wrenching moments of patients and their families. The audience was spellbound with the dedicated work and its impact on human lives. The UK team was able to successfully encourage and propagate the concepts of collaboration, service, and humanity in expatriate Pakistanis.

In a separate attempt, a documentary was screened which shed light upon the Remembering Islam’s Golden Age of Medicine. These events were arranged in cinemas across London with a Question and Answer session with Dr. Bari. These gatherings were filled with high-quality discussions, and successful structured networking sessions.