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Dr. Sara Fatima / FCPS, Clinical Fellowship in PEM
Graduated from the class of 2012- from Karachi Medical and Dental College. She did her Fellowship in Pediatrics from the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan and completed her Clinical Fellowship in Pediatrics Emergency Medicine from The Aga University Hospital in 2021. She is the first Pakistan trained Pediatric emergency physician. Since than she has been working as a consultant at the Pediatric emergency medicine department at The Indus Hospital and Health network. Her main areas of interest is capacity building of Pediatric emergencies, establishing Pediatric emergency fellowship training, resuscitation skills and developing systems for better emergency care.

Dr. Unaisa Javed Kazi / MCPS, Diploma in Clinical ethics
Dr. Kazi is working as a specialist in Pediatric emergency medicine at the Indus hospital and Health Network .She graduated from Jinnah Sind medical university (JSMU) 1995 with an MCPS in Pediatrics (CPSP) and Diploma in child health from DUHS , DHEP from SMDC. Has almost 20 years experience in Pediatric Medicine and almost 8 years’ experience in Pediatric Emergency medicine .

Dr. Quratulain Bushra Noor / FCPS
Dr. Noor is working as a Senior Registrar in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Indus Hospital and Health Network. She graduated from Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences (LUMHS) in 2013 and completed her fellowship in Pediatric medicine (CPSP) in 2020. Since then she is working in the field of Pediatric Emergency Medicine.

Dr. Saba Laila Aslam / FCPS, CHPE
Dr. Aslam is currently working as the Head of Department of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Indus Hospital and Health Network. She graduated from Dow University of Health Sciences in 2007. Then did her fellowship in Pediatrics from 2009 to 2012 (CPSP) and working in PEM from nearly last 10 years. She has a keen interest in training physicians and nurses of Pediatric Emergency Medicine to become competent as well as being capable of assuming leadership roles in research, teaching, and administrative aspects of Pediatric Emergency Medicine.

Dr. Uzma Khurram Shaikh / MCPS, MBA
MBBS( Dow Medical College) MCPS Peads Medicine ( CPSP) MBA in healthcare management (DUHS) MRCPch (in process) pocus/point of care echo/ grey scale ultrasound / Pals/NRP trained. Has 10 years’ experience in pediatric medicine including 5 years working in pediatric emergency medicine as a specialist in the Pediatric Emergency Medicine.

Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz / MCPS, FCPS
Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz completed her medical training at Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan. She was awarded her Diploma , MCPS and FCPS Pediatrics from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan. Later Completed the Masters in HPE from Aga khan University and currently the PHD candidate in simulation in HPE at MGH Harvard. Dr. Fayyaz was actively involved in the development of the Emergency Medicine program In Pakistan and Oman throughout her career. She developed a virtual blended learning course for the management of acute pediatric emergencies, the first of its kind in South East Asia in 2010 run across Aga Khan development network. In Toronto, Canada, Dr. Fayyaz completed her Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) Fellowship and Simulation Fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children and facilitates several simulation-based courses including APLS, procedural sedation, acute care resuscitation training for residents, PEM fellows. She has been Resuscitation lead for Competency based medical education program for PEM faculty since 2018 , first of its kind in Canada. She has been the Resuscitation Lead in the department and Led various initiative including implementing Acute event debriefing , incorporating Virtual simulation and Virtual gaming simulation into the Residents , fellows and faculty Simulation based educational activities. She has mage partners with various international sim leaders including , INSPIRE , IPSS , SSH and IMPACTS and leading various virtual simulation based courses with Macmaster , University of Yale , USA and Indus hospital , health network ,Karachi Pakistan and Tel Aviv University Israel are among few to name . Her interests include resuscitation, Virtual simulation, acute event debriefing and patient safety and quality improvement practices utilizing simulation. She is passionate about incorporating EDI in simulation. She recently won the Teaching award for Subspecialty teaching from University of Toronto and 2 education grants to incorporate cultural sensitivity and Virtual simulations.

Dr. Shelley Gupta / Hon. B. Sc. & M.D.
Shelley received her undergraduate degree from University of Toronto and graduated from All Saints University School of Medicine with a Doctor of Medicine degree with honours. She had the privilege of interning with some of most well-established doctors in Dominica, Chicago and Toronto. She is currently employed at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute in the Stroke - Hypertonicity Department and The Hospital for Sick Children in the Emergency Department. She is also currently assisting with the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Simulation Project. She continuously aspires to advance her medical education and take on new and challenging roles to fulfill her passion for learning. Another passion of hers is to ensure patients receive exceptional medical care; Shelley is fluent in multiple languages.

Dr. Adeel Khatri / FCPS, CHPE
Dr. Khatri is the current program director of the Emergency Medicine program at the Indus Hospital Korangi, he is an active teacher & CPEM faculty member. He’s a recipient of the Chad Epps Bursary for Master debriefers course (the debriefers academy Canada) . He is a former CPEM alumnus; he graduated from the latter in the batch of 2018. His areas of interest include Medical Education and simulations.

Dr. Saima Ali / FCPS, MHPE
Dr. Ali is the current head of the department of Emergency Medicine (Adult section), IHHN. She is the first program director of the FCPS EM residency program at Indus. She is a clinician educator and has interest in EM curriculum development, contextual educational research and is an avid advocate of patients’ rights, safety and maintaining highest standards of quality healthcare in Emergency Medicine.

Dr. Syed Ghazanfar Saleem / FCPS
Dr. Saleem completed his fellowship in Internal Medicine in 2014 from College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan. Since then he has been working as Chair of the Emergency Medicine service line he is also Chairing the Emergency task force for building capacity of 11 other network Emergency departments. He is one of the founding members of the Pakistan society of Emergency Medicine (PSEM). His area of interest includes development of emergency care services.

Dr. M. Bilal Hassan / MBBS
Dr. Hassan is the Program Coordinator for both F-PEM & CPEM. He received his medical degree from the Ziauddin University in 2012. His areas of interest are Medical journalism & Emergency medical care. He’s currently in the process of applying for a Masters in Public Health. He’s been published in numerous international publications namely Vice, The Guardian, Al Jazeera, BBC and the Toronto Star. He hosts a health & wellness podcast on the streaming app Patari.

Dr. Megan Rybarczyk / MD, MPH, FACEP
Graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a major in the Biological Sciences and a minor in Anthropology. She received her medical degree from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and completed her residency training in Emergency Medicine at the Boston Medical Center, serving her final year as a Chief Resident.She completed her Global Emergency Medicine Fellowship at the Harvard/ Bringham and Women’s Hospital Program, with a focus on emergency care systems development and Emergency medicine training. Her experiences in the field of Global Health have involved clinical work, research, and/or education all over the world in countries such as Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominica, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, India, Pakistan, South Africa, and Uganda. Her research and academic interests are currently focused on EM education and training and emergency care systems development, particularly in low resource settings. Dr. Rybarczyk is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and is the Global Emergency Medicine Fellowship Director.

Dr. Sama Mukhtar / FCPS, CHPE
Dr. Mukhtar is a Consultant of Emergency Medicine at the Indus hospital and Health Network, Karachi. She has a keen interest in Medical Education and her work is focused primarily on Emergency Medicine education, clinical research, trauma team training and capacity building. She is currently a global clinical research scholar at Harvard Medical School and is heading the clinical research committee at the Emergency Department of Indus.