Karachi, Pakistan
October 18, 2019
Malaria is a vector born disease transmitted from infected person to another through mosquito bite. Without prompt and effective treatment, Malaria patients can develop life threatening complications. Malaria can infect anyone, but children under five years and pregnant women are most vulnerable. In Pakistan, out of the 220 million, 123 million people live in 72 high malaria endemic districts including 34 hyper-endemic districts. These72 districts are located in Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, tribal areas and Sindh. The Global Fund (TGF) support Malaria prevention, diagnosis and treatment interventions in these 72 districts. The Indus Health Network – Global Health Directorate secured TGF grant for malaria in 2016 as a private sector Principal Recipient. IHN-GHD in collaboration with provincial malaria program and DOMC, department of health is providing Malaria preventive and treatment services in Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Mass distribution of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Net (LLINs), is a cost-effective intervention used globally for malaria prevention. The Global Fund grant supports LLINs distribution to every household, and distributed in the 35 hyper-endemic districts of Pakistan
The Directorate of Malaria Control Program, Government of Pakistan and the Indus Health Network have adopted this strategy for distribution of Insecticide-treated bed nets in Pakistan. 2,508,216 LLINs were distributed in 2018 in 11 district while in the remaining 23 hyper-endemic district 3,391,953 LLIN are being distributed in 2019. The next mass distribution campaign for these districts will be started from October 30, to November 3, 2019.
The aim of the campaign is to provide maximum protection to individuals from mosquito bites by distributing bed nets free-of-costs, to all families in rural areas of the selected districts. The partners implementing this campaign are the Directorate of malaria control, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination; Indus Health Network, and International Federation for Red Crescent. The campaign’s theme is ‘Zero Malaria Starts with Me’.
IHN is providing diagnosis and treatment services to 13.2 million beneficiaries through 714 public hospitals and 270 private clinics, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan. Since 2016, IHN has trained 4032 health care providers on malaria diagnosis, Case management and MIS n KPK and Baluchistan. In 2019 we engaged 186,978 individuals to help improve health seeking behavior for malaria and greater utilization for bed nets Since 2016 IHN malaria grant has screened 2,961,807 suspect for malaria out of which 333,451 patients were diagnosed as confirmed malaria cases and were treated as per the National Guidelines.
Data sources: National census 2017, malaria surveillance data